Past 1 week
17/12/08, 5pm, Kris & Sherene's Wedding Dinner @ Mandarin Oriental Hotel
Yeah, one of my closest cousins from my paternal side got married! I was one of the "brothers". Not really, i just helped out at the reception and in charge for the Mickey and Minnie mascots(small tasks). Hahaha. I went to WeiLing's hse to do my makeup as i know nuts about it. We took a cab there since we were going to be late for the preparation. Then we met up with Kah Hoe at the lobby and proceeded to the hotel room for preparation!
This looks like it's mickey's and minnie's wedding

Preparation in the hotel room's toilet
Wei Ling was doing make up for me...I could't recognise myself (not used to it) 

WeiLing and Mickey in TOILET
Wing with Mickey in toilet Take 1

Wing with Mickey in toilet Take 2
Mickey(KahHoe), Minnie(WeiLing) and my Bro

During the banquet, my family was sitting at the Bridal Table, with everything nicely set up! I would say that the dinner was a success, there wasn't any major problem. Furthermore, the food was awesome, especially the geniune shark's fin soup (it's really a few pieces of SHARK'S FIN and abolones in the small pot) and the tender cod fish with terriyaki sauce. おいしい!Wish that my cousin and his very pretty wife will have a blissful marriage! ^_^
19/12/08, 2pm, Lunch & Shopping with Chingy @ Centrepoint followed by Farenheit 飞轮海 concert @ Singapore Indoor Stadium
I got 2 free Farenheit 飞轮海 concert tickets from Sony Ericsson and Singtel. Since Chingy gave me the ticket for 罗志祥concert last time, i must reciprocate by giving her the ticket to see her 吴尊! =) We met at 2pm for lunch at Centrepoint's Noodle's restaurant as she had $10 voucher. Overall, the meal was average but the Wanton and the dessert, mango aloe vera and sago, were shiok! After the dinner, we went shopping so as to boost the economy. HAHAHA. At the end of the shopping trip, I bought 1 bossini shorts ($14.40), 1 covered shoes ($20), 1 Japanese Kanji Book ($47.80). I'm spendthrift! ARGH!!!!
I got 2 free Farenheit 飞轮海 concert tickets from Sony Ericsson and Singtel. Since Chingy gave me the ticket for 罗志祥concert last time, i must reciprocate by giving her the ticket to see her 吴尊! =) We met at 2pm for lunch at Centrepoint's Noodle's restaurant as she had $10 voucher. Overall, the meal was average but the Wanton and the dessert, mango aloe vera and sago, were shiok! After the dinner, we went shopping so as to boost the economy. HAHAHA. At the end of the shopping trip, I bought 1 bossini shorts ($14.40), 1 covered shoes ($20), 1 Japanese Kanji Book ($47.80). I'm spendthrift! ARGH!!!!
Then we took bus service no. 16 to Singapore Indoor Stadium at 7pm. Although the bus was quite packed, we managed to get seats. There was a minor accident whereby we heard shriek coming from the front of the bus. We supposed that a girl's foot was caught by the door.
We still managed to reach the stadium before 8pm. Originally, our tickets were the $78 seatings, but there was too many empty seats that we were reallocated to the $98 seats! YEAH. Both of us brought binoculars and we were spying for Christine who was there for work(she needs to take photos and write article for Singtel on this concert). We spotted this Japanese who wore YUKATA to the concert! すごいけとちょっとおかしいね。 The concert commenced at ard 8.30pm with all the young girls' shrill cries. 怖い!They looked fine without opening their mouths. MY EARS HURT...I couldn't help but laughed at them...However, i was quite impressed by Cavin's Beatboxing and Aaron's singing as he's pitching is the best, relatively. FINALLY! IT'S THE EVENT WHICH I LOOKED FORWARD THE MOST! 刘力扬! 力扬! 力扬! 力扬! ARGH! I WENT CRAZY FOR HER! I didn't really scream during the concert before her appearence other than shouting on behalf of my friends for 大东. Yah! Her singing was magnificient! Near to perfect pitching! Crystal clear yet powerful vocal! She started with a duet, Ti amo, with Arron, followed by 眼泪笑了,我就是这样...This segment was the most enjoyable part throughout the whole concert! hahaha. Like i told some of my friends, "i'm going to 刘力扬演唱会and飞轮海is the guest." or the conclusion which shuyi and i got, "刘力扬演唱会and飞轮海的演会! "(since 飞轮海can't sing nor dance)
20/12/08, 8.30am, APB work training session @ Singapore Wine & Spirit Association, Aljunied
I only slept for 5 hours the previous night and i had to travel all the way to aljunied. 大変ですね! I'm taking up the job as promoter for Asia Pacific Brewery to promote Tiger beers and Gunniess for this CNY period in Supermarkets. Don't worry, we will be well dressed, shirt, jeans and covered shoes. Well, i just want to gain some sale experience and confident from this job, so i took up the job even though the pay was quite low. The whole project will kick off from 2Jan to 24Jan in various hyper, super, minimarts, 7eleven, Cheers and petrol stations.
1.30pm, Elderly-Befriender Christmas Party @ BLK 3 Bukit Merah
This week for LB we organied a christmas party for the elderly. The response was overwhelming and we were quite shorthanded as most of the internation students went back to their home country. I think that it was still managable and activities were carried out smoothly. I'm quite sad that the goodies we offered were not as good as before due to the cans-missing incident. I hope that the elderly would not feel disappointed. As you know, sunday was 冬至, so some of the seniors cooked 汤圆for the elderly, so thoughtful of them. I wish that the elderly will stay healthy and cheerful. I'll pray for them.
7pm, Keat Hong Chinese Orchestra Concert @ DBS Auditorium
Went to support Yan Ru for his solo piece. But i was already in Tanjiong Pagar at 4.45pm. I went to search for flowers to give to him. WOW. One bouquet of flowers was so EX and there wasn't anyone to share the cost with me, so...But since he paid for my ticket, the flowers can be taken as a trade off...haahaa. His performance was very good and fully expressed the sorrowness in the song. Not to mention he's skill, the ability to produce such melodious music even at 第四把位. Jun Hao's performance was also great that night. more shuai i suppose(?), cos i heard the gals in front commenting that. But it's definitely better than the one he did in AJ. Good job for both of them. Christine's bro, Alvin, was also performing. However, he couldn't recognise me when i said hi to him. What was he's reply? "Do i know you?" Wow. really best. I went to his hse n-times, even had meals with him before, yet...haiz. NVM. Other than that, i truely enjoyed the whole performance together with the NTUCO people.
21/12/08, 2.30pm, Blood Donation @ Dhoby Ghaut MRT station
I met up with Chingy after my tuition at 2.30pm for blood donation. I was so afraid that i got rejected again. I MERELY passed thru the all the tests.
1. Screening: Doctor said my blood pressure just made it, 100/68. (Chingy's 108/74)
2. Test for blood density (in order to determine whether there is enough iron in your blood): I recognised the man who pricked my finger today! He pricked my finger before in AJ! I prayed hard that i would have enough iron for this time. I saw my blood drop sank in the blue solution and float again! ARGH! That's the reason why i got rejected for the previous attempt (my blood drop just floated for the the previous attempt) ! Lucky i just made it to qualify for the donation.
After all these narrow escapes, i finally made it to the seat! hahaha. Seriously, it's not painful. The staffs are skilled, so don't worry that they will be like SAF medic. I got so excited when my blood was drawn out. It's so meaningful! I could actually feel the warm in my blood, i shall pass the passion in my blood to others! =) HAHAHA. Please donate blood if you are physically fit and qualify for it. We should let out the "old blood" so that "new blood" can be reproduce. This will increase your metabolism rate and you can also save life at the same time (earn some good karma). Ziling, please take good care of yourself, we shall donate again in march 2009.
In the process of donating....CAN U SEE MY BLOOD?!

A photo with Ching after donation
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