When I was driving in that night
気付けばまだ確かにほら 空にTwilight
kizukeba mada tashika ni hora sora ni
twilight I suddenly realised - “look! it's still twilight”.
hikari ga naku to mo naithe
light is not completely gone yet,
ならまだまだ You shouldn't cry cry cry
nara mada mada you shouldn't cry cry cry
there's still time, so you shouldn't cry cry cry.
Tell me what u wanna“ah ah”
Weekend gonna make luv“ah ah”
from Monday to Sundayevery every every day
lucky lucky lucky my life
*ラキラキベイブ 仕事はラストのオーマイグルーヴ
raki raki beibu shigoto wa rasuto no o- mai guru-vu
lucky, lucky baby work's almost over, oh my groove,
なかなかベイブ 今日は楽しい! (朝まで!)
naka naka beibu kyou wa tanoshii! (asa made!)
baby, today will be quite fun!! ('till dawn!)
シャカシャカベイブ 気持ちは八分目
shakka shakka beibu kimochi wa hachibunmeshake it
shake it baby, the mood's at 80%,
いいじゃない! わるくない! 愛じゃない?*
ii janai! warukunai! ai janai?
ain't it good! not bad at all! ain't it love?
淡い記憶が よみがえったら 君が笑ってる
awai kioku ga yomigaettara kimi ga waratteru
if I were to bring back those faint memories, in them you'd be laughing.
若かった季節の 足跡は 波間にキラキラ消えてゆく
wakatta kisetsu no ashiato wa namima ni kirakira kiete yukuthe
footprints of the early season glisten as they're washed out by the waves.
いつも同じメンバーで 語り合ったこの場所に今
itsumo onaji menba- de katariatta kono basho ni ima
we were always the same people chatting away in the same place; now
(バイバイ) この景色心に焼き付けて(明日へ踏み出そう!)
(bai bai) kono keshiki kokoro ni yakitsukete (asu e fumidasou!)
(bye bye) engrave this scene in your heart (step forward!)
**ラキラキベイブ 勉強もラストのオーマイグルーヴ
raki raki beibu benkyou mo rasuto no o- mai guru-vu
lucky, lucky baby study's almost over, oh my groove
なかなかベイブ 今日も楽しい! (朝まで!)
naka naka beibu kyou mo tanoshii! (asa made!)baby
today will be quite fun! ('till dawn)
シャカシャカベイブ 近所のお祭りも
shakka shakka beibu kinjo no omatsuri mo
shake it, shake it baby, about the neighborhood celebrations,
いいじゃない! わるくない! 愛じゃない?**
ii janai! warukunai! ai janai?
ain't they fine! not bad at all! ain't it love?
世間は甘くない なめてたら すぐにボロが出る
sekan wa amakunai nametetara sugu ni boro ga deru
the world is bitter, you only have to lick to see.
当たり前が出来てない 簡単でも わかったふりはもうやめよう
atarimae ga dekitenai kantan demo wakatta furi wa mou yameyou
let's stop pretending to understand simple things when we obviously can't.
あの日君と見た夢を 無くさないで諦めないで
ano hi kimi to mita yume wo nakusanaide akiramenaide
don't let the dream we had fade away, don't give it up.
(オーライ!) 初めからやり直せばいいさ (何度倒れても!)
(o-rai!) hajime kara yarinaoseba ii sa (nando taoretemo!)
(alright) it's ok to start again from scratch (no matter how many times you fall!)
ラキラキベイブ 真面目が売りですオーマイグルーヴ
raki raki beibu majime ga uri desu o- mai guru-vu
lucky, lucky baby, earnestness is a strong point,oh my groove.
なかなかベイブ 急上昇! (空まで!)
naka naka beibu kyuu joushou! (sora made!)
baby it's a pretty steep ascent! ('till the sky)
シャカシャカベイブ けじめが要とか
shakka shakka beibu kejime ga kaname to ka
shake it, shake it baby they key is in what makes the difference,
いいじゃない! わるくない! 愛じゃない?
ii janai! warukunai! ai janai?ain't it good! not bad at all! ain't it love?
ラキラキベイブ 事件は現場のオーマイグルーヴ
raki raki beibu jiken wa genba no o- mai guru-vu
lucky, lucky baby, this is where all is happening, oh my groove.
なかなかベイブ 今日は楽しい! (朝まで!)
naka naka beibu kyou wa tanoshii! (asa made!)
baby, today will be quite fun! ('till dawn!)
ドキドキベイブ 恋愛修行中
doki doki beibu renai shugyouchuu
your heart's racing baby, you're undergoing love-training,
いいじゃない! わるくない! 恋じゃない?
ii janai! warukunai! koi janai?
ain't it good! not bad at all! ain't this love?
“kyou wa dou na no? baby”tte senpai yake ni goteinei
“how was today, baby?” your senior asked you over-respectfully
ほぼ命令 誘っていて
hobo meirei sasotte ite
but when he invited you out it was almost an order.
ワタシ身なりお手入れ (だってLady)
watashi minari oteire (datte lady)
“I have to dress up” (as expected from a lady)
L.U.C.K.Y D.A.Y を経て経て新世界
L.U.C.K.Y D.A.Y wo tate tate shinsekaiour
L.U.C.K.Y D.A.Y passes and a new world comes.
“It's delight!”例えば席替えをしてみて
tatoeba seki kae wo shite mite
for example trying to change places.
wicked wicked wicked every time
いつも同じメンバーで 語り合ったこの場所に今
itsumo onaji menba- de katariatta kono basho ni ima
we were always the same people chatting away in the same place; now
(バイバイ) この景色心に焼き付けて
(bai bai) kono keshiki kokoro ni yakitsukete
(bye bye) engrave this scene in your heart
(明日へ踏み出そう! きっと大丈夫)
(asu e fumidasou! kitto daijoubu)
(step forward! it will surely be alright)
回り道も たまにはわるくない!
mawarimichi mo tamani wa warukunai!
it's ok to make a detour once in a while!
そんなことで 悩んでナイナイ!
sonna koto de nayande nai nai!
don't you worry about such things!
力抜いて 休んでいいじゃない!
chikara nuite yasunde ii janai!
when you reach your limit it's ok to take a break!
も一度 歌おう! Wow Wow Wow
mo ichido utaou! wow wow wow
let's sing once more! wow wow wow
Let's get back to the hook
窓を開ければ 明日の空も晴れるはず
mado wo akereba asu no sora mo hareru hazu
if you open the window tomorrow the sun will be shining in the sky,
きっとそれが糧になる 今日も楽しみ もれなく
kitto sore ga kate ni naru kyou mo tanoshimi morenaku
with that to fuel you up, today too without exception will be fun.
いつも焦ってた あの日の僕に会えれば
itsumo asetteta ano hi no boku ni aereba
if I could meet my impatient past self
想い 伝え 叫ぶさ“夢はでっかく こう描く”
omoi tsutae sakebu sa “yume wa dekkaku kou egaku”
I'd shout a couple of things at him: “you gotta dream big!”
Source from http://nanachan707.livejournal.com/5416.html#cutid1
Although the lyrics seems abit weird (R-rated), i really love the groove of the song, telling me that i'll definitely be okay. That's what i shall tell myself when i meet any obstacles next time.
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