やった!!!1st post after exam
Yes!!! The counter has ended, so are my exams!!! I'm over the moon. (Talking about the moon, tonight's moon was cool. It was so bright that there's a rim around it. ie if the diameter of the moon is 1cm from ground, the rim's diameter is ard 10cm.)
I watched 2 movies today!!!!
I'm not a Zac Efron-fan, but i still think that this is a worth-watching comdey, filled with laughters and tears. (okay...i think i was the only one with tears...i couldn't help it. I'M EMOTIONAL!) This is what the movie inspired me: Do not lose yourself after you made up your decision.
After the movie, i had to part with them and rush to orchard, far east. I met char, jx and chris for gelare's waffles. It was heavenly but it was pity that i couldn't finish my waffles. (i felt bloated >.<) Oh, den we watched X-men @ lido @ 845pm. Compared to the previous 3 X-men movies, the CGs done were not as splendid and realistic as the previous movies. There was no distinct climax in the movie, it was more about the psychological struggles that Logan were undergoing. so...okay lah. HAHAHAHA. btw, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME WATCHING THE POST CREDIT! LIKE SERIOUSLY. if you want to know what's the post credit, go wiki. ^^ Enjoy MY HOLIDAYS! Below are happy hippos from Russia!
P.S: Bosco, I'm really happy for you and I'm always be there to support you. Don't care about what other say, follow your heart, we are just outsiders in this issue. Jiayou! ^^ Enjoy ur attachment...HAHAHAHA.
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