Bye 2009, Hi 2010
Wish list for 2009:
1. Stay Healthy throughout the year (Comparatively healthier than 2008, so not bad)
2. Squeeze into 2nd upper Honors class by end of 2009 (Still very far from it, but at least there's improvement. from no class -> 3rd -> 2nd lower)
3. Obtain a Cap of 4.5 for this sem with straight A's (I need to be a chao mugger) (seriously wishful thoughts, I'm not yew.)
4. Improve my English and Essay Writing (Hope i did, Hmmm...How to gauge this? I got A- for my CTW?)
5. Enroll into JCS Intermediate course (Yup, graduated with good result)
6. Continue with my Japanese Intermediate 1 in Hougang Japanese Language School (Didn't manage to con't in HJLS cos they kept delaying the class, so i sort of skipped level when i entered JCS)
7. JLPT 3 Distinction (I dun think i'm prepared for it so i didn't take, plus i was taking 6 mod previously, no time for JLPT...)
8. Earn more money for my expenses and school fees (Just check my acct, I SPENT MORE THAN I EARNED. VERY VERY BAD. Need to attend some financial management course)
9. Forget about him & move on (Oh. HAHAHA. Not really forget, but gd friends now, which is a very good thing. More things to talk about.)
10. All my students score well in their exams (Not all...haiz.)
11. Don' get emo too easily ( to define this...i also dunnoe.)
12. Be more independent and meticulous (I think so...I learnt quite alot in 2009. Many things have changed.)
13. Be more demure (I need to restore my image) (If any ESE ppl saw this...THEY WILL SAY A BIG NO NO!!! haiz...Okay, it got worse)
Wish List II for 2009 (Materialistic obsession)
1. New wallet (Classy kind?) (Yeah i got it for my bday...thanks E6)
2. New bagS (backpack, handbag...) (Just got it from yew and penang trip!! ^^)
3. New sport shoes (Tell me about my new balance shoes...)
4. Put braces (YES!! I GOT IT DONE!!! )
5. Hoody-T or Jumper (nO Leh... =( I dun have my own one. Everytime wear yew's.)
6. Overseas trip in Dec (Can't believe, it's a yes!! I'm going!!!! 31st Dec, Penang, with yew. I know it's just m'sia, but do you know how long i have been yearning for it?)
7. More clothes and accessories. (Not really alot...but definitely yes.)
8. EXILE BALLAD BEST (YES, I got it from Japan, Thanks charlene and her friend.)
9. Nakashima's CD (Nope...nvm it's okay.)
10. Japanese books (Japanese TEXTBOOK, but not story book.)
Okay...look at my materialistic obssessions, so many "green"...Tt explains why i'm broke. HAIZ.
Wish List for 2010 (Please Grant My Wish-ES)
1. Squeeze into 2nd upper Honors class by end of 2010
2. Con't to date with yew, maintain our relationship.
3. Go overseas with yew.
(Thanks smelly for pointing our tt i missed my point 4 & 5. and ZR, since i missed my point 4 & 5, that means i only had 7 for 2010...)
4. Be more observant, independent and meticulous
5. Be thrifty. So this year, I shall not have any wish list for my materialistic obsession
6. Continue with my Japanese Advance in JCS and score well.
7. JLPT 3 Distinction
8. Earn more money for my expenses and school fees
9. Stay Happy and Healthy.
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