FREE!!!!!!! Post Exam Celebration
yEAh!!!! I'm telling myself not to think of the result. even though I know it will be a chui one. My holidays are short, I only have 1 week before I start my internship at AB Sciex on 12 May. It's located in Woodlands. HAHAHA. I think it's possible for me to have lunch at home during lunch break. Haha.
After ytd's last paper, Shu Yi, Benjamin, Chee Yong, Lloyd and I ran off immediately after exam. We headed off to JU SHIN JUNG!!!! KOREAN BBQ!! It was a feast! We ordered Ginseng Chicken Soup and Seafood Pancake as ala-carte, thin sliced pork belly, marinated pork, marinated chicken for the BBQ. Around 7-8 side dishes came along with the BBQ. On top of these, there were a bowl of rice, pumpkin soup, seaweed soup, appetiser and drink for each of us. Within 15mins, our table was totally filled with food! The course ended with wheat tea and heart-shape watermelon! So sweet! ^^

Everything was awesome. The service was great, staff was very friendly. They offered me a clear plastic bag when entered the restaurant with my wet umbrella. Also, we didn't have to do the BBQ at all! They did it for us. ^^ Yummy.
Going with a group of friends was really fun with the mean boys, Lloyd and CY joking around, and poor shu yi was their victim. As Benjamin was sitting furthest from the BBQ pit, we were concerned whether he could reach the food, so we kept telling him, "吃咧!你拿得到吗?Benjamin, eat eat eat..." HAHAHA. Also, I won't forget the green chili incident that happened to shu yi...Awww...
After the sumptuous lunch, we head off to Plaza Sing for IP MAN!! (to CY it's I-P Man, to SY it's 叶问,永春 followed by a series of hand movements...-_-''')
We had a small drama before watching the big screen. Here's the story:
PART 1: The guys went to purchase the tickets first. According to them, when they was asking for the seat locations, the gal told them it was along the walkway. As they were not sure of the arrangement inside the theatre, whether are there different sections or just 1 single section, so they asked for more details. The gal attituded them and replied, it's along the walkway.
PART 2 (SY n I joined them): The total was $32.50 but the gal pronounced it as twenty-two fifty. The guys paid $52.50 and were expecting for the change. She just accepted the money, gave them the tickets and happily chitchat with her collegue. *Eh, the change leh?* So we asked for the change, the attitude gal denied that she was wrong, and said she calculated it with calculator. Then she said it was THIRTY-TWO FIFTY. (but even so, we should still get back $20) Then, she calculated once more and gave back $17.50 without apologising. CY and Lloyd were damn pissed by then.
CY: So how much is the total?
Gal: $32.50.
CY: We gave you $52.50. Press your calculator, we should get back $20.
Gal: *pressed calculator...Oh...FINALLY REALISED HER MISTAKE* Sorry. (not to mention in an attitude way, and gave us our change.)
Hello, we have 5 engineers here...
We wanted to complain that gal after Ip Man, but the show was super awesome that we decided to forgive that gal. HAHAHA. Ip Man rocks! We were clapping and cheering in the theater as if we were watching live.
After that only Shu yi and I con't with our shopping. ^^ Sad that I couldn't shop for long as I had Japanese class at 7.20pm.
Apparently, my application to change class was successful and and they allowed me to change to Sat's class. But even so, they still allowed me to attend ytd's lesson. And I got back my test paper, it was okay only. Hope that I can rekindle my passion for Japanese soon...
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