
Friday, May 14, 2010

I can do it

"I have to stay focus...I have tonnes of work to do." I have been telling myself that but my heart refuses to heed my advice. Chris said it will get easier after that...I know that also, but knowing and executing are different. I give myself until this weekend, period. Thanks for ppl who are missing me...like JX, Shu yi, Melissa....sisters and brothers...Thanks for all your concerns...I'll get used to it.


I hate to be so weak. ARGH. I feel so useless. I shall train myself again!
To-do list:
1) Do my intern job well, learn more things from society, from our surrounding. Be street smart.
2) NUS Stage Sponsorship. I haven't really get things done and it's really bad. REALLY BAD.
3) Japanese. I haven't been studying my Japanese. My standard is dropping. I need to rekindle my passion.
4) After watching "lord of study", I'm passionate to teach my tutee well. I shall put in more effort to pull up their grades.
5) LB
6) *not confirmed yet, so can't disclose information*


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