i tried to restore my blog but as u can see, i failed. But never mind, i just have to start all over again. Today was our geography presentation. 1 word, 'Awesome!!!' hahaha...i'm so glad, hope that i won't pull down the overall marks. (hehehe) Today, 23/06 gals ran 6 rounds together. i was really struggling. Thanks to jocelyn, ching yee, zi ling, etc for pacing and encouraging me! Thanks!
Yesterday i went to TJCO concert at SCH. As usual, i dress until very formal like going to prom night. i like TJCO's cello bass, they are really very good. However, i think that their actions are not together, visually quite messy. We(Bee, Kaili, Serene and I) bought a bouquet of flowers to Lo Po Zai(Shuzhen). She is so chio! This is the picture i took with her! ^_^

Last Friday, 12th May 2006, it's AJCO CONCERT!!! 1 word, 'ROCKS'! i like the encore piece, it had really push the whole concert to the climax!! i really enjoyed this concert alot. i really cannot put my feeling to words! YES! I finally found the feeling for AJCO! That's it! I love my CO peers, they are so nice ppl. We took alot of pictures that day, but i only have some of it.
That's my brother and I! =P

Qiu Ting and I. (She is so cute right! ^_^ I like her)

AJCO-XYZ'06! (very little ppl hor..)

~Some of the RVians in AJCO Concert 2006~

These are some of the pics that i MUST show! Qiling doing spilt!!!

Qiling and Guo Jun bitting 1 stalk of rose?? YUCKS!! so GAY!!! but it's really funny