Why do I have to stretch myself?
This is a question that I have been asking myself...
~ Because you never know where is your limit...
There are lots of things to handle this semster, including the changes.
I have streamed to Environmental Engineering, and everyone is like so foreign to me (except for shu yi, of cos). I know they are friendly but it takes time to break the ice and adapt to the new environment.
Next change, from single to attached. There are more things to consider than I thought. I have been quite a solo-kia and insensitive for the past 20 years. It's time for me to be more sensitive and consider other party's feeling.
On top of these changes, I'm taking 6 modules this sem, 4 core, 1 critical thinking, Japanese. My timetable is basically from 8-6pm for almost everyday.
I'm the NUS CSC's L-derly Befriender's Vice-chair. At the moment, with my Chairperson in oversea, I'm like the Chairperson-cum-Vice. I seriously doubt my capabilites to take up the role.
Currently, I'm also part of the NUS CSC's special project, Grant A Wish VII, as Party-Marketing Assistant. Sourcing for sponsors is not an easy task, especially during recession. But at least, I learnt something from the whole process.
Not to mention, I still have to teach 2 tutees to teach to support myself. I'm worried for their studies too, especially the sec 4 boy. Things that I just taught on Thursday, he couldn't recall them today. (HELLO, your prelim is next Wed!)
I really need to find my courage to face and handle all these. I can't afford to let any of these goes wrong.