Birthday UPDATES!!
Before i start with the updates, I must thanks everyone for all the well wishes and presents!! I love all my friends! ^^ Thank you so much!
20th July 2009 - Eve of Bday
Yoz, it's a day to have lunch with chantal, xin yi and yew thong. BUT...yew was sick so he didn't join us. My dear chantal thought that all of us wouldn't be going down to meet her at tiong bahru since yew was sick. Well, most of the time, assumption is false. Xin yi and I went, but failed to contact her as she didn't on her HP. In the end, Xin yi and I went for date! hahaha.
We went shopping at bugis! haahahaa...long long long long time nv shop like this. Xy was complaining that we bought alot of things but it's not for her. That's why she's quite upset. HAHAHA...I even got to choose my own presents! HAHAHA. Yup, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT I would be getting a wallet and a vest. HAHAHA. The another fact is, XY didn't carry enough cash! so wat? I paid for my own present first....WOW! HOW EXCITING!!! HAHAHA.
After that, I went for my Japanese...Test is coming up soon!! 頑張って!
21st July 2009 - BIRTHDAY
Early in the morning woke up...NO ONE AT HOME!! WOW! WAT A GREAT START FOR BDAY! (i'm being sarcastic here...) I took out a slice of cake and sang 祝我生日快乐...So emo! >.< color="#33cc00">Happy Birthday song to me!
Meet JC's sisters at Dhoby Ghaut for lunch!!! (Got Cheryl, Melissa, Pav, Shu Yi and Sin Ting, sad tt not all the sisters were THOSE WHO WENT TO SOCIAL WORK CAMP) Hahaha.
We went AstonS @ Cathay! I ordered Teriyaki Chicken with FRIES and Garden Veggie! hehehe...Photos arh...need to wait...Den we had MY FIRST OFFICIAL BIRTHDAY CAKE!!! HAHAHA.
Thanks for all the presents!! I love them and all the cards.

Thank You Shu yi for organising this whole lunch bday celebration! You are always my DEAR~! Love you!
Thank You Cheryl for the heart shape pendent! I love it! Hmmm...the letter thing...u know i know...*Heart*
Thank You Melissa for the Belgiam Chocolate..I would love to eat it...BUT NOW...HAIZ..i think i have difficulties eating it. I'll bring it on Sunday, so everyone can share our love! hahahaha. Oh and Thanks for saying that you want to marry me! ^^
Thank You Pav for lovely box, letter and present!! Lotsa thoughts contained inside tt letter! I'll nv forget our ECP memories too!!! HAHAHA...IT WAS SO FUN!
Thank You Sin Ting for the masks! hahaha...I think i need are soooo cute!! ^^
22nd July 2009 - Belated Birthday Dinner + K session with E6
Yup! Thanks alot E6 friends to celebrate my bday...I felt like it's my 21st bday thought it's only my 20th bday. A bit grand i think. Hahahaa. Thank you those who came. Axuo: Johnson, Xin Yi, HTHT, Yan Ping, Esmond, Victor, Jane, Vincent, Kai Yuan, You Cheng. KTV clique: Christabel, Zhen Xiu, Yew Thong. SPECIAL THANKS TO XIN YI AND YEW THONG, for planning everything! I'm really very touched.
We had dinner at JP's Crystal Jade. Then while i went down to get herbal tea with Christabel, the rest got ready the ice cream cake!! OMG! IT'S DELICIOUS!! YUMMY! Lucky I hadn't had my braces yet! hahaha...

HTHT and Victor didn't join us for K session. A bit sad, but understandable cos HTHT lives quite far and ulu. I like the way my Auxo male freshies in sync! HAHAHA...LIKE 1 PERSON SINGING! hahahaa! Thank you Zhen Xiu, Johnson and Yew Thong for staying back all the way until 3am, accompanying me to sing! hehehe!

23rd July 2009 - Braces and Anklet Day
Yup! Had braces on...Not painful, just uncomfortable. Hahahaa...Today is an important day for me! Changes occured. I really hope for the better from this day onwards. ^^ Onegaishimasu.
I like my new anklet! =)
24th July - My Machogal's 21st Bday
Went to Zhen Xiu's, aka Machogal, 21st Bday Celebration. The theme is PURPLE..Hahaha...Her favourite colour. Well, i could show her my braces since there's a tiny bit of purple there...HAHAHA. It's weird to go to a bday party with a packet of porridge...I was just lazy to bite...HAHAHA...

Happy Birthday Zhen Xiu! All the best to you and hope that all your wishes can come true, especially the best present that u had mentioned. Your position in my heart didn't change. Still as important, just that other things changed. HAHAHA.
Germaine Lee injured her leg. Wish her speedy recovery! ^^ Jiayou!